May 2010: 1st outdoor outing--Memorial Day Family Fishing Trip to Lake View (3 months)

Grandma kept him safe from the sun under the chair, don't worry! :)
June 2010: 1st Trip to the Omaha Zoo (4 months)
We visited my college friend, BobbiAnn, and went to the Omaha Zoo. It was fun!
June 2010: Started eating Cereal (4 months)
Let's just say he LOVES food!!!
July 2010: First Airplane Ride to Florida (5 months)
This was one of the only family pictures we got because Austin did not go to the Disney parks with us. Thankfully, Grandma and Poppa Barber came down to watch him for us. He was such a good traveler. Except for the HUGE blowout diaper on the plane, he did awesome!!!
August 2010: Started sitting up (6 months)
September 2010: Started Babbling...dada AND mama...and melting our hearts (7 months)
I have video of this and will try to figure out how to get it up here sometime!
September 2010: Started crawling!! (7 months)
He even tries to crawl off of chairs, the couch, beds, etc. BUSY boy!
October 2010: Popped through first two bottom teeth (8 months)
October 2010: Pulled himself up (8 months)
Oopps.....I've yet to get a picture of this. I will. Promise.
November 2010: Cruising furniture (9 months)
He's SO SO busy now. He's moving all over the place cruising from one piece of furniture to the next.
There you have it. Our little boy is getting big. We LOVE him, are so THANKFUL for him, and can't imagine LIFE without him!
Psalm 127:3 ESV--
Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb a reward.
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