I have a LOT to "blog" about but currently, our laptop charger is in "the shop" so I wanted to blog about something I had photos for...so preschool it is, because I have preschool pics in my email.
In my last post, I admitted that Alexis was turning 4. So--it's already happened....she turned 4! I can hardly believe it. I was looking through some of her pics from the NICU tonight in tears because it feels like I blinked and my baby is NOT a baby anymore! She's so big. Well....all 25 pounds of her, but big for her! :) No...she's not on the growth chart yet but we could care less. She's doing FABULOUS, even for her age. She's doing things that most 4 year olds do...and even some things that are advanced for her age. We're so proud of her!
So...(gasp!) PRESCHOOL! She has had an in-home nurse with her from her first day home from the NICU....so this fall has been a BIG transition for a BIG girl. She started going to my dear aunt Brenda's for preschool. She runs an in-home preschool with 6 toddlers (bless her heart) and Alexis LOVES every minute of it. I am amazed at all she has learned in the short time she's been there. Here is a short run down....
Alexis has learned....
all of her letter sounds
to recognize all uppercase and most lowercase letters
how to write her name
days of the week
months of the year
how to cut, color, paste, etc.
all about insects (and is obsessed with them now)
And MUCH more. We are so thankful that Brenda gets to take care of her. She loves it and we know she is in very capable hands! :)
Here are some pictures of some of her latest preschool ventures....we're so proud! :)

She is so proud she can write her name!

An uplcose look....

Showing off the catapillar she made (all by herself Brenda reported)

Doing some cutting...

She got to be the weather girl (her shirt says mostly sunny) :)
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