It was no fun being "rushed" to the hospital. It wasn't any fun showing up to a hospital room all made up for me and having no clue why. It wasn't fun calling work (with no lesson plans formally written) telling them I wouldn't be back until after the baby was born. It wasn't exactly thrilling having numerous doctors and nurses rushing in and out of my hospital room not telling me what was going it. It certainly wasn't fun being told by the anaesthesiologist that I was having to be put out and there is a good chance I may not make it through surgery. It wasn't fun for me to see the fear in Justin's eyes as they wheeled me down the OR hallway and watching him standing in the doorway as he was shut out. It wasn't exciting to me that when I woke up from surgery, they told me I had a baby girl, but when I asked how she was doing, everyone in the room had a blank look on their face.
BUT--the outcome of that not-so-fun day on September 27th, 2004 was an amazing one. And that one-pound-six-ounce miracle is a true testimony to what God can do if you put your faith in him. This story could have had a very different ending, but I am excited beyond belief to be writing about my beautiful four-year-old's birthday!
We were actually in Omaha at BobbiAnn and Brian's wedding on her actual birthday so we celebrated it this past weekend with about 30 people at our house. We had lunch, cake, open presents and the kids had a pinata (which was a real hit). Thanks so much for everyone who made time in their weekend to come help us celebrate. We know her birthday is a true celebration and we are so thankful for the opportunity to celebrate each year!
Here are some photos from the BIG 4 year old birthday weekend! Enjoy!

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