My parents stood for hard work. They stood for making us four kids earn an education and...if wanted $100 jeans, earning money to buy them. They stood for teaching us right from wrong and giving us consequences too. Yes, they spanked us and I thought I had it SO bad. They were SO mean. Why did they care SO much??
I appreciate my parents for so many things. One of the biggest things that I've overlooked all of these years, though, is the simple fact that they made me do things that I didn't always necessarily want to do. They taught me perseverance and hard work. At the age of 30 and having taught Special Ed. for 8 years now, those qualities have certainly come in handy. They're also coming in handy when I am trying to instill values into the lives of young people on a daily basis.
Mom and dad, thanks for everything you did for us growing up. Especially, thank you for teaching us 4 kids the value of hard work and perseverance. We're blessed.

My parents loving the life of grandparenthood. My kids are lucky to have them close.
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