About 9:30 that night, it started getting really bad. So bad that our (cheaply built) house was shaking. After putting off waking the kids up from their slumber, we woke them and took them out in the pouring rain, wind, and hail. We drove over a few blocks Grandma Donna and Papa Ike's who have a basement. After almost tripping on the 35' evergreen that had uprooted and landed across their front porch, blocking their front door, ran around to the back of the house and got in. Not fun carrying 2 little kids, but we made it...Praise God.
While waiting out the storm, my aunt Brenda called me. "We can't get ahold of Grandpa...can someone go out and check on him?" I knew my parents were out of town (they live a mile away) so I said as soon as the storm passed, we'd go. No sooner than we got off of the phone with her, my brother Adam called. He's a BV county deputy who got called into work. He had stopped over to check on grandpa quick before he went to work. Adam reported that grandpa was ok but that a tornado had ripped through the entire house and was GONE. Praise God for his protection. There was SO much debris and clatter that he could have easily gotten hurt badly if not killed. God must have been there with him that night. He's not ready for him yet and for that, we're thankful!
This is just one of the many abundant blessings that occur in my life and the reason for starting this blog. I'm so very thankful for so many things....one of the things I'm most thankful for is my Grandfather, Cyril. I love you "Papa Cy"!
Here are some photos from the wreckage on April 9th:
My Grandparents house...days before Grandma Barb passed away

Front of the house after the tornado

"The Miracle Room"...Grandma's room was left untouched

1744 Sierra Ave. is destroyed but Grandpa is OK!!! Praise God!