Saturday, August 20, 2011

Purpose of my Blog

The purpose of this blog has changed since I started it in 2008.  Then, Alexis was our only child. When she was born 3 months early, we started a webpage to update all friends and family on her health condition.  In 2008,  thanks be to God, she didn't really have any health conditions to report anymore so I started this blog to share pictures with family and friends.  Well....our lovely world of internet has since changed and about 90% of our close family and friends have Facebook so that is how we share pictures.  Since Facebook, I've been HORRIBLE about updating the blog.  I couldn't decide if I should keep the blog or get rid of it.

I've decided to keep the blog as a means of reporting all of our daily blessings.  There are so many blessings that take place in everyday life that never get recorded by photo or video.  This is a great way of recording these blessings. Writing has never been my gift, so I'm writing these mainly for myself (for scrapbook/babybook purposes) but I did decide to share with family and friends since I creep on so many of their blogs. 

Feel free to follow me but just know that 90% of my posts will be about my kids and our life so I have a way to remember their little lives.    Be blessed!